Lost Meridian
"Monster Hunter Rise" is a role-playing adventure game set in the fictional Kamura Village. The territory is presented in the form of a vast mountainous area with studied hunting equipment and the primitive culture of its inhabitants. Players will take on the role of a hunter, and before starting the game they must choose one of several types of weapons, armor, or special abilities.
The world is filled with ancient ruins, temples, dungeons and other locations. Users will fight against AI-controlled monsters and bosses. By killing opponents, players can gain equipment and experience, thereby increasing their level and being able to upgrade. The materials and ingredients you find will help you craft rare equipment or upgrade existing equipment. The world of MHR is filled with side quests that can be completed by a party of 3 members at a time. Some tasks insist on being completed cooperatively, and rewards are not shared among hunters.
As in the previous part, there are no loading environments and the entire area is seamless. Players can now grab using the "Wirebug" feature while in the air or on the ground. This adds more attack options while flying. Paramut is the new companion you need to make hunting easier. Canine mounts will help you learn new types of attacks, while feline thugs will once again heal heroes and support them in battle. New monsters Magnamalo, amphibians Tetranadon and Aknosom have been added to the game. The remaining opponents return from previous installments with slightly modified form and tweaked balance.
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